A fond farewell to our beloved Alice the Bus today. After 16 years, it was sad to see her go but we’re slightly relieved to be downsizing our fleet and

[igp-video src=”https://www.talesfromthewild.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/28266912_1788263274812595_8190817403035189248_n-1.mp4″ poster=”https://www.talesfromthewild.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/28151663_220238831879785_3649786607399075840_n-1.jpg” size=”large”] A fond farewell to our beloved Alice the Bus today. After 16 years, it was sad to see her go but we're slightly relieved to be downsizing our fleet and can now focus on getting our new project in Bronte the Bus completed. Alice got to ride in style today (probably faster than she's ever travelled before) and will enjoy her retirement as a permanent dwelling for a lucky new owner in the country. Bon voyage Alice! Thanks for the wonderful memories! ~ Keiran. 
#AliceTheBus #busconversion #skoolie #skoolieconversion #aecswift #oldbus #vintagebus

A fond farewell to our beloved Alice the Bus today. After 16 years, it was sad to see her go but we’re slightly relieved to be downsizing our fleet and can now focus on getting our new project in Bronte the Bus completed. Alice got to ride in style today (probably faster than she’s ever travelled before) and will enjoy her retirement as a permanent dwelling for a lucky new owner in the country. Bon voyage Alice! Thanks for the wonderful memories! ~ Keiran.
#AliceTheBus #busconversion #skoolie #skoolieconversion #aecswift #oldbus #vintagebus

View the original Instagram post. Follow us on Instagram at Tales From The Wild.

13 thoughts on “A fond farewell to our beloved Alice the Bus today. After 16 years, it was sad to see her go but we’re slightly relieved to be downsizing our fleet and

  1. gypsyclipper says:

    @talesfromthewild You are welcome! I retired at 39 and I felt like I was 90. I too was beat up from the highway. Im sure Alice is happy to be getting a change of scenery too.It makes a world of difference

  2. natt_loui says:

    Bye Alice, served you well, great memories in her prime. Lovely for her to move on & make way for Bronte! @keiranlusk @talesfromthewild @littleearthstories . All the best Alice Happy retirement x

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