[igp-video src=”https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/vp/46e5338517c65260f3372a80e0b0bf05/5ABDA828/t50.2886-16/24491618_1936559953330501_6890966483281768042_n.mp4″ poster=”” size=”large”]
The joys of converting a bus during a tropical Queensland summer! One minute it was blue skies and I was happily painting window frames (we removed two large fixed windows this week) and the next minute… a midday storm and torrential downpour! I don’t mind. The recent heavy rains have been super helpful in showing me where the roof and window leaks are located!
#busconversion #buslife #bus #tinyhouse #skoolie #skoolieconversion #vanlife #offgrid #busbuild #rvlife #busnut #busrollwithit #livesmaller #nomad #happycamper #wander #wanderlust #homeiswhereyouparkit #ontheroad
View the original Instagram post. Follow us on Instagram at Tales From The Wild.
These things are sent to try us!!
@theblondenomads Haha! Indeed! Anyway, the storm was perfectly timed for my lunch break!