Our Bus is 12 metres in length and seats 57 passengers. We will shortly be removing all of the seats and plan to install some coach seats with lap sash

[igp-video src=”” poster=”https://www.talesfromthewild.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/22580417_154056081863294_72185055782371328_n-2.jpg” size=”large”] Our Bus is 12 metres in length and seats 57 passengers. We will shortly be removing all of the seats and plan to install some coach seats with lap sash belts for the family.

#busconversion #buslife #bus #tinyhouse #skoolie #skoolieconversion #vanlife #offgrid #busbuild #rvlife #busnut #busrollwithit #livesmaller #nomad #happycamper #wander #wanderlust #homeiswhereyouparkit #ontheroad

Our Bus is 12 metres in length and seats 57 passengers. We will shortly be removing all of the seats and plan to install some coach seats with lap sash belts for the family.

#busconversion #buslife #bus #tinyhouse #skoolie #skoolieconversion #vanlife #offgrid #busbuild #rvlife #busnut #busrollwithit #livesmaller #nomad #happycamper #wander #wanderlust #homeiswhereyouparkit #ontheroad

View the original Instagram post. Follow us on Instagram at Tales From The Wild.

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