Tag Archives: weareallinthistogether

We said our goodbyes to the beach last night.

We said our goodbyes to the beach last night. Although we’ve been planning it for weeks, it feels the right time to be heading into the outback. We’ve filled every nook of our rolling home with supplies, and as we already learn and work from home, we’re pretty well equipped to weather these uncertain times. I wonder what the world will look like in the months to come? It seems we are in for some major adjustments to this unsustainable economic system of ours. It feels time. Like it might be the shock we need to live on this Earth more gently, to rebuild our systems to support life. So, let’s begin as we mean to go on. Let’s do what we can to help each other out, especially those that are alone, already struggling, and who have no voice. There are lots of great permaculture posts around with tips for doing just this. (I’ll tag some accounts in this post that inspire me. Feel free to recommend others below.) Heed the advice, and stay safe, friends. ~ Sam.


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