Tag Archives: homeschool

Exploring mulga country on our bikes. Mondays are usually reserved for maths in ‘bus school’ but yesterday we

[igp-video src=”” poster=”https://scontent-sjc3-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.2885-15/e35/s1080x1080/100576067_534150020613362_2902247431577751451_n.jpg?_nc_ht=scontent-sjc3-1.cdninstagram.com&_nc_cat=102&_nc_ohc=Gg_rNMhNwWIAX__MAGo&oh=e1ae0e4e575bc23549e6f908d6347ef1&oe=5EF688D1″ size=”large”] Exploring mulga country on our bikes. Mondays are usually reserved for maths in 'bus school' but yesterday we mixed things up a bit. In the morning the boys and I went for a long walk and conducted a bird survey along the river, then started reading a new library book written by Anangu about Maralinga (where the British government conducted its atomic bomb testing in the 1950s). We had the choice of quiet reading or audio books over lunch. And some Lego construction and home economics (folding washing and putting it away) in the afternoon. The day finished with a bike ride to the river again in the late afternoon, with Sam joining us when she finished her long working day just before sunset. Not a bad way to start the week! 
A special welcome to my new Instagram followers after Sunday's news story about our isolation in the outback on @abcbrisbane by @shelley_lloyd_bris! Thanks for the kind words and comments everyone.

#outback #sunset #nature #homeschool #OutbackQueensland #ThisIsQueensland  #seeaustralia #buslife

Exploring mulga country on our bikes. Mondays are usually reserved for maths in ‘bus school’ but yesterday we mixed things up a bit. In the morning the boys and I went for a long walk and conducted a bird survey along the river, then started reading a new library book written by Anangu about Maralinga (where the British government conducted its atomic bomb testing in the 1950s). We had the choice of quiet reading or audio books over lunch. And some Lego construction and home economics (folding washing and putting it away) in the afternoon. The day finished with a bike ride to the river again in the late afternoon, with Sam joining us when she finished her long working day just before sunset. Not a bad way to start the week!
A special welcome to my new Instagram followers after Sunday’s news story about our isolation in the outback on @abcbrisbane by @shelley_lloyd_bris! Thanks for the kind words and comments everyone.

#outback #sunset #nature #homeschool #OutbackQueensland #ThisIsQueensland #seeaustralia #buslife

View the original Instagram post. Follow us on Instagram at Tales From The Wild.

Our favourite place to be in the late afternoon. Down by the river…

Our favourite place to be in the late afternoon. Down by the river at the back of the property. We've all started keeping bird lists and our pages are filling quickly. We've spotted whistling kites, a brown falcon nesting across the river, a wedgetailed eagle outside the front gate, mallee ringnecks, a forest kingfisher, a noisy family of white-winged choughs, peaceful doves and diamond doves, to name but a few!#buslife #outbackqueensland #outback #homeschool #nature

Our favourite place to be in the late afternoon. Down by the river at the back of the property. We’ve all started keeping bird lists and our pages are filling quickly. We’ve spotted whistling kites, a brown falcon nesting across the river, a wedgetailed eagle outside the front gate, mallee ringnecks, a forest kingfisher, a noisy family of white-winged choughs, peaceful doves and diamond doves, to name but a few!

#buslife #outbackqueensland #outback #homeschool #nature

View the original Instagram post. Follow us on Instagram at Tales From The Wild.