Appreciation post 🤩 Props to this guy for doing all the hard learning work, the sweaty covered in sawdust in a heatwave (oh wait, that’s just our endless summer) work, the making something wonderful out of nothing work. He is never not living-breathing-dreaming this bus into being (except when he is wrangling our two beautiful boys, and often then, he’s still doing both). I have no idea about electrics or making things appear from a pile of wood, let alone translating my very specific yet simultaneously fluffy design ideas into actual shelves or a couch that doubles (quadruples?) as storage, step stool AND worktop for kid play. He’ll say he’s not a builder, but truth is, we will get this bus built because of him. 🏇
#brainstrust #workhorse #nevernotworking #loveyou #buildingbronte #thisishowwedoit #hardwork #inthetrenches #buslife #busconversion #appreciationpost
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