Us last week in quiet patch of forest in South Gippsland! Feeling the post holiday slump this week but inspiring ourselves with bus progress. Yesterday we pulled out a window

[igp-video src=”” poster=”” size=”large”] Us last week in quiet patch of forest in South Gippsland! Feeling the post holiday slump this week but inspiring ourselves with bus progress. Yesterday we pulled out a window (my technical lead on the conversion will no doubt explain more ) while I ponder window coverings - I'm willing our budget to stretch to natural fibres! - and whether and how it's possible to collect rainwater. Clearly I'm jostling Ellery for 'dreamer' lead status!  Have you seen our second episode? Link in profile. πŸ“½ ~ sam

Us last week in quiet patch of forest in South Gippsland! Feeling the post holiday slump this week but inspiring ourselves with bus progress. Yesterday we pulled out a window (my technical lead on the conversion will no doubt explain more ) while I ponder window coverings – I’m willing our budget to stretch to natural fibres! – and whether and how it’s possible to collect rainwater. Clearly I’m jostling Ellery for ‘dreamer’ lead status! Have you seen our second episode? Link in profile. πŸ“½ ~ sam

View the original Instagram post. Follow us on Instagram at Tales From The Wild.

9 thoughts on “Us last week in quiet patch of forest in South Gippsland! Feeling the post holiday slump this week but inspiring ourselves with bus progress. Yesterday we pulled out a window

  1. gentlefolk says:

    Yay another episode! Love love love watching you guys in action. The only annoying thing is all the points where I want to interject and converse with you but…it’s a video 😐

  2. kittymcfurson says:

    @talesfromthewild its the perfect spot isnt it? Bronte will be fabulous! Should be able to stay for a while there I expext. When you do end up there, let me know and if keen, Queen Kitty could roll out the solar shes never used and stay for a day or two .

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