Radical change needs positive reinforcement, especially when you’re bucking the norm. I listened to a @slowhomepod episode yesterday feat. @nutritiousmovement about our need for movement and wild space, how convenience

[igp-video src=”” poster=”https://www.talesfromthewild.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/26871363_170154530419943_3538479686654885888_n-1.jpg” size=”large”] Radical change needs positive reinforcement, especially when you're bucking the norm. I listened to a @slowhomepod episode yesterday feat. @nutritiousmovement about our need for movement and wild space, how convenience is taking these away from us, and how we can get it back. It totally reinspired me, so thought it was worth a share. So many brilliant interviews over at @slowhomepod ... not sponsored, just sharing because the world needs more good stories (and intrinsic wisdom)! ~ Sam

Radical change needs positive reinforcement, especially when you’re bucking the norm. I listened to a @slowhomepod episode yesterday feat. @nutritiousmovement about our need for movement and wild space, how convenience is taking these away from us, and how we can get it back. It totally reinspired me, so thought it was worth a share. So many brilliant interviews over at @slowhomepod … not sponsored, just sharing because the world needs more good stories (and intrinsic wisdom)! ~ Sam

View the original Instagram post. Follow us on Instagram at Tales From The Wild.

10 thoughts on “Radical change needs positive reinforcement, especially when you’re bucking the norm. I listened to a @slowhomepod episode yesterday feat. @nutritiousmovement about our need for movement and wild space, how convenience

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